Tuesday, September 25, 2018

To Die For.

A pen moving furiously, a hand trying to keep up with a mind more complex than most, paper holding truths hidden in mysteries for thousands of years, a heart so overwhelmed with gratitude, it didn't matter that he is imprisoned?  The chain, of no consequence, he had found freedom that Rome could not take away.  Being under constant guard, nothing more than a chance to share the Gospel, every time the guard changed.

The words on the page, a letter to his brothers and sisters in the churches around the world.  Encouragement to hold on to the message they had received through him.  The message he would ultimately give his life for.

Paul once zealous for the God of Israel and ready to rid her of all evil, had been the chief tormentor of the local churches. Now after coming face to face with King Jesus, Lord of all the earth, Messiah, Savior and hearing the message clearly for the first time, was a new man.  His single-minded devotion to Christ and to sharing His Good News is unequalled.  Nothing will stop him from heralding the Kingdom of Christ Jesus.

The letter he writes pierces the heart of any believer in Christ:

"Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually advanced the gospel, so that it has become known in the whole imperial guard...that my imprisonment is because of Christ...  18)  What does it matter?  Only that in every way... Christ is proclaimed, and IN THIS I REJOICE."  Philippians 1:12-18

How could the man rejoice when he was sitting in prison?  When he had lost position, power, prestige, friends and freedom?  How could he say that the only thing that matters is Christ being proclaimed?

"To live is Christ and to die is gain?"   How could he utter these words and live them to the fullest?  What happened to him on that road to Damascus that so completely shifted his world view?

What teaching would Martin Luther, standing before the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, not recant on penalty of excommunication or death?  What truth did he hold to that was more precious than life?

What truth so enraptured John Knox, that he would allow himself to be chained night and day in the galleys for two years, convicted as a common criminal, instead of recanting his beliefs?

 Peter, James, John, Thomas, Philip all dying for the sake of the gospel...  Why was their message so dangerous?  Why were they so willing to give their lives for the advancement of the gospel?

What is the gospel?  It's the "Good News".  The message that the conquering King was victorious.  The message they were proclaiming is the rightful King of all creation had come and He had vanquished His enemies, by his death on the cross.  By giving himself as a sin offering, He had been the payment for our sins, by rising again, He had defeated our worst enemy, death.  On the cross He had accomplished what we COULD NOT accomplish no matter how hard we tried to keep the law.

When Paul met face to face with King Jesus, he knew that everything he had been striving for his whole life no longer mattered.  He saw in Christ, the peace of God toward man.  He saw in Christ that he no longer had to strive to earn the favor of God.  He no longer had to try to be good enough.  He saw that through Christ his sins had been forgiven, once and for all and he now had peace with God and access to the Father through the Son. He would rather die than go back to trying to earn his own salvation.  He would live out every last breath sharing the good news with anyone who would listen to him.

Peter, James, John, Martin Luther, John Knox and thousands like them would gave their lives on crosses, in arenas, attacked by wild animals, tortured to death on stakes, beaten, burned in the fire all for the sake of the good news they would never be able to recant.

"Are you tired?  Worn out?  Burned out on religion?  COME TO ME.  Get away with me and you'll recover your life.  I'll show you how to take real rest.  Walk with me and work with me- watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of GRACE.  I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.  Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."   Matthew 11:28-30, MSG translation.

When you come to Jesus and you realize He has done all the work, you can rest.  You no longer have to prove anything to anyone.  Your standing before the God of Heaven is secure IN CHRIST and that truth is worth dying for.

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