One of the major things that has been on my mind since my Mom passed is HEALTH. No wonder since she died from Cancer which some would say is a curable disease, that is without chemo/radiation. I have been convicted like never before to be a diligent guardian over my families health. That should be pretty easy... no more McDonald's chicken nuggets. More fruits and veggies, less junk. The problem that is not in my control is all of the man-made toxins that are being forced on us all the time. Since this is out of my control I can easily become overwhelmed with FEAR AND DREAD. What if... thoughts begin to plague me. I don't know about you, but when I feel like my family is in danger, and I can't do anything about it I begin to feel like a caged animal...
How can you "rejoice in the Lord", or "think on things that are true and lovely" if your mind is plagued by unseen fears? One thing I KNOW to do is pray. When my spirit is heavy burdened I know where to go. So, today as I was praying and crying out to the Lord I told him what I was thinking and feeling. I told him that I felt down and not joyful. I told him I was fearful and overwhelmed.
Sometimes answers to pray take time, not today. His immediate reply Psalms 34:4
"I sought the Lord, and he HEARD me, and delivered me from all my fears."
The awesome thing is that Psalms 34 tells that He hears our prayers and delivers us from fear, when you continue to read it (which I hope you will), He tells us the remedy for fear...
vs 8 "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed (happy and at peace) is the man that trusts in HIM.
"O fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is NO LACK to them that fear HIM."
The answer to fear of man is to Fear the Lord. The Bible tells us that GOD IS GOOD so we can trust in HIM and not fear man. When I place my trust in a Good God what do I have to fear. As FDR said "We have nothing to fear, except fear itself." The Lord knows that there can be no end to fear in our lives. In the Old testament one of the most common phrases that God says to his people is "do not be afraid". 2 Timothy 1:7 says "For God has NOT given us a spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." Proverbs 17:22 tells us "A merry heart does good like medicine..." If that is true does the bible tell us that a merry heart can detox our body??? Is the key to good health a sound mind and a merry heart that rejoices in the Lord (phil 4)?
There's alot of speculation out there that the mind has a big impact on the body. Some would say that your thoughts can make you body sick. If that's the case I have to be diligent to guard my mind and my thoughts. I'm thankful that when I fall in the enemies trap of fear that I can run to the Lord in prayer and find answers in the Word of life. Psalms tells us that "HE sent HIS WORD and it healed them of all of their diseases... WOW... Think about Jesus going around and healing all those different diseases. Think of God's word as a healing balm... If we follow after the ways of the Lord HE makes us another promise:
"If you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, IF you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, FOR I AM THE LORD, WHO HEALS YOU (Exodus 15:26)
I am thankful to the Father for giving us His Son. I am thankful to the Father for giving us His word. I am thankful for the promises of God that are able to remove our fear and dread.
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What Are We Waiting For
He's got his pads on, his helmet, his cleats... He has all his drip on and he's looking every bit of the big college football star....
32,000 hours of pregnancy 3,650 days of nursing babies 5 times experiencing the "terrific toddler stage" 15 years of homeschoolin...
There's a song by the late country artist Toby Keith called "I Wanna Talk About Me", and the chorus goes like this... I want ...
He's got his pads on, his helmet, his cleats... He has all his drip on and he's looking every bit of the big college football star....
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