I know weird name for a post. I have been asked to speak for a ladies bible study get together. This used to be nothing for me. I was so young and dumb and confident in myself. Somewhere along the way on this journey with the Lord I've lost the confidence I once had. Oh, I know that the Lord will be there and he will speak the words he wants to say, he always does. WHICH I know is far more important than what I could say. It's just that in the last year the Lord has done somethings in my life that I know are of him and pleasing to him, but I feel isolated and different.
OH, how I HATE different. I didn't know that I hated different until I got there and started sticking out like a sore thumb. So, I want to retreat and hide away (like a lamp under a bushel). It's shameful for me to say, but I don't want to share what God has done, because I don't want to pass on this infection of different. ALAS, that is what God wants us to strive for right??? Different or a better word PECULIAR PEOPLE (1 peter 2:9).
In trying to find comfort for the illness you've received where do you look? Your inspiration JESUS and his words are "take comfort the world will hate you, because they first hated me." WHAT is this what I signed up for? YES... because counting my cost leaves me with two options fear God and follow Jesus or fear man and lose my soul. I can't go back to normal now!!!
I know this is all very down in the dumps and cryptic. Sorry about that! So, today I wish that I could sit down with Jeremiah. I know He had to feel this way.
"Before I formed you in the belly I knew you; and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you a prophet to the nations."
"Then I said, Ah, Lord God! behold I cannot speak: for I am a child."
"BUT the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for you shall go to all that I shall send you, and whatever I command you to say you shall speak."
"Be not afraid of their faces: for I AM with you to deliver you, saith the Lord."
"Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, BEHOLD, I have put my words in your mouth."
Jeremiah had a hard job to do as prophet for God. He had to tell the people what God had said and even battle lying prophets who said everything was going to be ok and that judgement was not coming upon the country. Who would want that job? Let's not forget though that even if everyone rejected him that didn't change the fact that He was CHOSEN by God and given a message to speak. I'm sure with a burning fire in his chest and sweaty palms he relayed the message of God. What did he do when his message was completely ignored and rejected? I don't know what did Jesus do?
I want to sit down and talk to him and ask him in the end was the rejection of this world worth it, BUT I know the answer already!!!
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What Are We Waiting For
He's got his pads on, his helmet, his cleats... He has all his drip on and he's looking every bit of the big college football star....
32,000 hours of pregnancy 3,650 days of nursing babies 5 times experiencing the "terrific toddler stage" 15 years of homeschoolin...
There's a song by the late country artist Toby Keith called "I Wanna Talk About Me", and the chorus goes like this... I want ...
He's got his pads on, his helmet, his cleats... He has all his drip on and he's looking every bit of the big college football star....
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