Gal 6:9-10 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, IF we faint not. and as we have the opportunity, let us do good unto all men, ESPECIALLY unto them who are of the household of faith."
It's hard to not grow weary sometimes. As I think about all that needs to be done I get overwhelmed. Not just school, laundry, dishes... but more importantly love, compassion, kindness, gentleness, attention... Growing my children up in the faith is a long, hard journey. Especially difficult for me because I have so far to go in this journey myself. Sometimes I get frustrated and tired I know everybody does.
As I was reading this verse I saw something I hadn't seen before... "let us not"... Yeah as with most things this is a choice. I know some circumstances are impossible (not mine), but God says that His grace is sufficient. He has given us everything we need in Christ Jesus through his Spirit to endure and not faint. We can be filled daily with what we need for that day. We can "rejoice, and again I say rejoice", we can have the "joy of the Lord as our strength". BUT, the choice is up to us. I really hate that. I want it all to be easy and for God to do everything for me.
Another thing that really spoke to me about this verse is that is says when I have the opportunity I should "choose" to do well to ALL people, especially to those in the household of faith. Well, for me that "household of faith" are the small people in this household. WoW. I have a lot of opportunities to do well and not grow weary, but how many times do I react in the flesh and not the spirit. How many times do I choose to get frustrated, impatient, unkind... As a mother I have countless opportunities to share the faith with these my disciples. Do I look for times during the day when I can "Do Good"?
Making the choice to not grow weary is a hard one, but we have the promise of God that we will reap in due season those good things we have sewn. We will have the chance one day to see the beautiful fruit growing in our children's lives. Thank you Lord that you have given us all we need in Christ and that you promise to reward us for doing well. Thank you for also showing me that choosing to do well also makes me happy. I'm not really good at this yet, but I pray you will continue to work on me and not grow weary!!!
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What Are We Waiting For
He's got his pads on, his helmet, his cleats... He has all his drip on and he's looking every bit of the big college football star....
32,000 hours of pregnancy 3,650 days of nursing babies 5 times experiencing the "terrific toddler stage" 15 years of homeschoolin...
There's a song by the late country artist Toby Keith called "I Wanna Talk About Me", and the chorus goes like this... I want ...
He's got his pads on, his helmet, his cleats... He has all his drip on and he's looking every bit of the big college football star....
My little brother and I got into a little argument over his homework and I just went to my room and told God I needed strength because I no longer felt like helping him with his hw. Well, went outside, read this post and CHOSE to help. Not the easiest thing, for sure, but it is what God wants and what makes us reflect Christ. Thanks for the great reminder and I pray we all find it easier and easier to CHOOSE the path God has for us.
ReplyDeleteThat is so encouraging... thank you so much for sharing!!!
ReplyDeleteGood word, girl! You inspire me... motherhood is the hardest, most exhausting thing I've ever done. I want to give up at least once every day!